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精选美国半野山花旗参 |
Premium Woodsgrown American Ginseng Roots. Product of USA, Net weight: 4 oz / box. Woodsgrown American Ginseng planted and grown in the woods. These roots receive little human cultivation. An average of 10 -12 years growing time allow full development. This ensures woodsgrown (or woods-grown) ginseng having higher potency and stronger curative efficacy than regular cultivated ginseng. There are 13 - 17 roots per 4 oz. Ginseng roots work against the effects of stress and anxiety, combating fatigue. Ginseng can improve digestion, metabolism, appetite, endurance, and as a sexual stimulation for both sexes. Dose and usage: 10 to 20 grams of ginseng can be used each time for the preparation of steamed tonic tea, or cut it in small pieces, chew and eat. Another convenient way is just putting the sliced ginseng into a cup or vacuum flask with boiling water, cover and soak for about 15 minutes and then drink the water. 本公司的精选纯正半野山花旗参,是经过特别严格挑选的纯正美国半野山花旗参,品质优良,稳定可靠,送礼自奉,无上佳品,顾客有口皆碑。 半野山花旗参,又称移种野参或林参。系人工播种,或移植正野山参幼苗于天然林内,略加人工照顾而成。参龄在九到十一年间,外型纹路较人工花旗參多, 比重较轻,参味更浓,功效更强,实为馈送自奉之上等佳品。 半野山花旗参是美国著名的特产,属五加科多年生长植物的根部;含有多种人体必需的氨基酸,具有补中益气,清热生津,提神解劳,清补养颜和强精益力的功能;故对心脏衰退,神经衰弱,消化不良,喉干口臭,用脑过度,工作困倦,烟酒过多,暗疮旺盛,及妇女更年期烦躁等症有显著疗效。 家庭切参片简易方法: 用水蒸数分钟,待参变软后即可取出切片。 用法用量: 产地:美国。 包装盒尺寸:13 cm x 10 cm x 3 cm 。 |